With over a quarter century experience, the whistleblower attorneys at Behn & Wyetzner can help you evaluate and pursue any claims you might have. We believe working with a whistleblower is a collaborative effort and that whistleblowers should be informed and involved. Our clients have been among the most successful whistleblowers in the qui tam arena. To learn more about some of our past clients and what they have to say about being a whistleblower, please visit Our Clients.
Will Behn & Wyetzner charge me to evaluate my qui tam case?
No. Behn & Wyetzner evaluates potential qui tam cases without charge. If you decide to retain us and we agree to represent you, we charge a contingency fee, meaning you pay us only if your qui tam case is successful.
How does Behn & Wyetzner get paid?
Because most relators cannot afford to pay hourly fees as they are incurred, Behn & Wyetzner accepts a contingency fee. That means we get paid only if there is a recovery. If you choose to hire Behn & Wyetzner, the contingency arrangement will specify how much we receive in fees.
How can I find out more information?
We’d be happy to talk with you. We also recommend that you visit the Taxpayers Against Fraud (TAF) website at www.taf.org. TAF is a non-profit, public interest organization dedicated to combating fraud against the federal government through the promotion and use of the federal False Claims Act and its qui tam provisions.