The support of federal agencies is key to the successful prosecution of fraud and False Claims Act cases. Chicago whistleblower attorney, Michael Behn, of Behn & Wyetzner, Chtd. would know. He is a former federal prosecutor and has achieved extensive recoveries under the False Claims Act, on behalf of the government and his whistleblower clients. Behn recently sat down with prominent agency lawyers and investigators to discuss whistleblowers, the False Claims Act, and how best to prosecute fraud against the government.
Behn moderated the discussion, which was held at the Mayflower hotel in Washington D.C. and was part of the Taxpayers Against Fraud Education Fund annual conference. Participating in the panel were individuals from: (1) the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, which is responsible for ferreting out fraud, waste and abuse in all HHS programs; (2) the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs; (3) the General Services Administration, which provides centralized procurement for the federal government, and; (4) the Office of Personnel Management, which oversees the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan, the largest employee health care plan in the United States.
More information about the panel’s discussion is available here.